First published in 1967, The Hawaiian Journal of History is the Hawaiian Historical Society’s annual publication, a scholarly journal devoted to original articles and research on the history of Hawai‘i and the Pacific. Each volume features a varied collection of historical topics and time periods in peer-reviewed articles and a Notes & Queries section. A selection of book reviews and a bibliography of the previous year’s published works regarding Hawai‘i’s history are provided by experts and editors dedicated to recording and synthesizing scholarly research.

Every member of the Hawaiian Historical Society receives a complimentary print edition each year, sent by mail as soon as it becomes available.  Click here to read more about our membership. 

The Journal is available for purchase in many bookstores and may be ordered directly from the Society for $20 plus postage.

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Current Issue: Volume 56 (2022)


  • A Bibliography of Published Works by David W. Forbes,
    Blaine Namahana Tolentino
  • The Location and Astronomical Orientation of the Kupalaha Heiau at Diamond Head,
    J. Patrick Henry
  • In Search of Puka‘ōma‘oma‘o, Ka‘ahumanu’s Retreat in Mānoa Valley,
    Patrick V. Kirch, Jillian A. Swift, and Mark Oxley
  • The History of a Hospital Name Tripler: Part 1, 1898–1941,
    Mark Burnett
  • ‘Uko‘a Loko Ea Fishpond: Digital Mapping and Spatial Analysis of O‘ahu and American Infrastructure Projects Since 1898
    Sean Connelly
  • A History of Ranching Operations in the Saddle Region of Hawai‘i Island
    Charles M. Langlas

Book Reviews

  • The Mo‘olelo Hawai‘i of Davida Malo Volume 1: Ka ‘Ōlelo Kumu. Davida Malo, edited by Jeffrey LyonThe Mo‘olelo Hawai‘i of Davida Malo Volume 2: Hawaiian Text and Translation. Davida Malo, edited by Charles Langlas and Jeffrey Lyon, Reviewed by David Aiona Chang
  • Facing the Mountain: A True Story of Japanese American Heroes in World War II. Daniel James Brown, Reviewed by Leilani Dawson
  • California & Hawai‘i Bound: U.S. Settler Colonialism and the Pacific West, 1848-1959. Henry Knight lozano, Reviewed by Nicholas B. Miller
  • Inclusion: How Hawai‘i Protected Japanese Americans from Mass Internment, Transformed Itself, and Changed America. Tom Coffman, Reviewed by Leanne Day


  • Hawaiʻi History 2021: A Bibliography of Titles of Historical Interest, Jodie Mattos

On the cover of Volume 56:

The front cover of this year’s Journal features four images from the authors whose focus
on analysis of ‘āina (land) in this publication featured maps or renderings of their
subjects. This includes:

Figure 1 (top left) on pg. 11 from J. Patrick Henry in “The Location and Astronomi-
cal Orientation of the Kupalaha Heiau at Diamond Head”

Figure 3 (top right) on pg. 28 from Patrick V. Kirch, Jillian A. Swift, and Mark Oxley
in “In Search of Puka‘ōma‘oma‘o, Ka‘ahumanu’s Retreat in Mānoa Valley”
Figure 2 (bottom left) on pg. 119 from Charles M. Langlas in “A History of Ranching
Operations in the Saddle Region of Hawai‘i Island”

Figure 12 (bottom right) on pg. 106 from Sean Connelly in “‘Uko‘a Loko Ea Fish-
pond: Digital Mapping and Spatial Analysis of O‘ahu and American Infrastructure Projects Since 1898”