The Annual Reports include papers presented to the Society pertaining to the history of Hawaii, Polynesia, and the Pacific area. They are the predecessor to The Hawaiian Journal of History. Copies of some Annual Reports are still available. All Annual Reports are paperbound. They are indexed in the Index to Publications of the Hawaiian Historical Society, 1892–1967, by Charles H. Hunter, 1968. Note: Nos. 2 and 20 were never published. However, a 4b (1896) was published. Most of the annual reports from 1893 to 1966 have been digitized and placed on line as part of the Oceania Digital Library Project at

1st Annual Report, 1892
Minutes; chairman’s address; annual reports; Constitution of the H.H.S.; By-laws; list of members.
ISBN 0-527-38725-8
$10.00/$9.00 to HHS members

[There was no annual meeting in 1893, and no annual report was issued.]

3rd Annual Report, 1894
Minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Alexander, W. D. A Brief Sketch of the Life of Kamehameha V.
Lyman, Rufus A. Personal Reminiscences of Kamehameha V.
ISBN 0-527-38726-6
Out of print

4th Annual Report, 1895
Minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Henry, Teuira. Tahiti.
Alexander, W.D. (ed.). Apropos of Reciprocity Treaty of 1855-56. Documents.
Bailey, E.H. Historical Notes.
ISBN 0-527-38727-4
Out of print

4th Annual Report, 1896
Minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Nakuina, Emma M. The Legend of the Shark-Man, Nanaue.
Alexander, W. D. (ed.). An Autograph Letter, by Jean B. Rives (in French).
Davies, Theo H. (letter). The Last Hours of Liholiho and Kamamalu.
ISBN 0-527-38728-2
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

5th Annual Report, 1897
Minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Smith, S. Percy. Synopsis of a Lecture on the Origin and Migrations of the Polynesians.
Henry, Teuira. Tahitian Folklore: Compared with the Samoan and Hawaiian.
Neumann, Paul. Captain Hypolite Bouchard and His Treaty with Kamehameha I.
ISBN 0-527-38729-0
Out of print

6th Annual Report, 1898
Minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Alexander, W. D. The Maker of the Hawaiian Flag.
Alexander, W. D. (ed.). Correspondence Relating to the Last Hours of Kamehameha V. Documents.
Emerson, N. B. Regarding Ho-Ao, Hawaiian Marriage.
ISBN 0-527-38730-4
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

7th Annual Report, 1899
Minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Sewall, Harold M. The Partition of Samoa and the Past Relations of that Group with Hawaii and the United States.
ISBN 0-527-38731-2
Out of print

8th Annual Report, 1900
Minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Emerson, N. B. The Honolulu Fort. Illustrated.
ISBN 0-527-38732-0
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

9th Annual Report, 1901
Minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Emerson, J. S. Some Hawaiian Beliefs Regarding Spirits. Note by W. D. Alexander.
Emerson, N. B. A Preliminary Report on a Find of Human Bones Exhumed in the Sands of Waikiki.
ISBN 0-527-38733-9
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

10th Annual Report, 1902
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; bibliography; list of members.
Judd, Laura F. A Suppressed Chapter of Hawaiian History.
Alexander W. D. (ed.). Apropos of Reciprocity Treaty of 1855-56. Documents.
Emerson, N. B. Mamala-hoa [mamalahoe]—apropos of an Incident in the Life of Kamehameha I.
Hawaiian Periodicals Published in Several Languages.
ISBN 0-527-38734-7
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

11th Annual Report, 1903
Minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Emerson, N. B. The Poetry of Hawaii.
ISBN 0-527-38735-5
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

12th Annual Report, 1904
Minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Towse, Ed. Voyage of the Schooner Tetautua. Illustrated.
ISBN 0-527-38736-3
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

13th Annual Report, 1905
Minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Frear, Walter F. Hawaiian Statute Law.
ISBN 0-527-38737-1
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

14th Annual Report, 1906
Table of contents; Constitution of H.H.S.; By-laws; minutes; annual reports; list of publications of H.H.S.; list of members.
Fornander, Abraham. Story of Kahahana.
Alexander, W. D. Obituary of Abraham Fornander. (From P.C. Advertiser, November 2, 1887).
Vetlesen, L. M. (trans.). Biography of Rev. Anders Fornander, D.D.
Minutes of Meeting of Commissioners held 12th March, 1843.
Alexander, W. D. The Funeral Rites of Prince Kealiiahonui.
M’Konochie, Alexander. Considerations on the Propriety of Establishing a Colony on one of the Sandwich Islands, Edinburgh, 1816. Map.
ISBN 0-527-38738-X
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

15th Annual Report, 1907
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Alexander, W. D. Early Improvements in Honolulu Harbor. 2 maps; appendix; documents.
Alexander, W. D. (ed.). T. Horton James, ‘The Sandwich and Bonin Islands: On the Importance of Settling the Sandwich Islands on the Plan of a Proprietary Government.’ An Extract from a Journal written by Hon. Gorham D. Gilman, in his Youth, entitled ‘Rustications on Kauai and Niihau, in the Summer of 1845.’
ISBN 0-527-038739-8
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

16th Annual Report, 1908
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
A Letter from Vancouver, March 2, 1794.
Alexander, W. D. The Oahu Charity School. Appendices.
Westervelt, W. D. Hawaiian Printed Laws Before the Constitution.
Gilman, G. D. A Visit to the Caves of Haena, Kauai, made in 1845.
ISBN 0-527-38740-1
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

17th Annual Report, 1909
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Westervelt, W. D. Ai-Laau, the God of Kilauea, Before Pele.
Alexander, W. D. The Origin of the Polynesian Race.
ISBN 0-527-38741-X
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

18th Annual Report, 1910
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; agreement between H.H.S. and the Turstees of the Library of Hawaii; list of members; illustrated.
Smith, S. Percy. An Early Polynesian Settlement on the Hawaiian Islands.
Alexander, W. D. Remarks on the Preceding Paper.
Westervelt, W. D. Legendary Places in Honolulu.
Yzendoorn, Reginald. The Introduction of the Algaroba.
Thrum, Thomas G. History of the Hudson’s Bay Company’s Agency in Honolulu.
Alexander, W. D. The Story of the Trans-Pacific Cable. Supplement.
ISBN 0-527-38742-8
Out of print

19th Annual Report, 1911
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; publications of H.H.S.; illustrated.
Alexander, W. D. The Birth of Kamehameha I.
Green, Francis J. A Maori Battle Ground.
Westervelt, W. D. The First Twenty Years of Education in the Hawaiian Islands.
ISBN 0-527-38743-6
Out of print

21st Annual Report, 1912
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Obituary. William De Witt Alexander. Portrait.
Westervelt, W. D. The First Hawaiian Historical Society.
Southerland, W.H.H. Incidents Connected with the Election of King Kalakaua in February, 1874.
Green, Francis J. The Ceremony of the Mysteries.
Yzendoorn, Reginald. A Study in Hawaiian Cartography Prior to Cook’s Rediscovery. Maps.
ISBN 0-527-38744-4
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

22nd Annual Report, 1913
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Westervelt, W. D. (ed.). Hawaii’s Most Interesting Historical Document.
Yzendoorn, Reginald. Establishment of the First English Newspaper in the Hawaiian Islands.
Westervelt, W. D. Kamehameha’s Cession of the Island of Hawaii to Great Britain in 1794.
Restarick, Henry B. John Young of Hawaii, an American.
ISBN 0-527-38745-2
Out of print

23rd Annual Report, 1914
Index; minutes; annual reports, bibliography; Report of the Genealogical Committee; list of members; illustrated.
Castle, W. R. Sketch of Constitutional History in Hawaii.
Dole, Sanford B. Thirty Days of Hawaiian History.
Hatch, Francis M. The Constitutional Convention of 1894.
ISBN 0-527-38746-0
Out of print

24th Annual Report, 1915
Table of contents; minutes; H.H.S. Constitution; annual reports; Genealogical Committee report; list of members; illustrated.
Westervelt, W. D. Obituary of Dr. N. B. Emerson.
Dole, Sanford B. A Hookupu: An Incident of the Conquest of Oahu by Kamehameha I.
Lydgate, John M. Kaumualii, The Last King of Kauai.
Thrum, Thomas G. Was There a Lost Son of Kamehameha?
Emerson, Joseph S. The Bow and Arrow in Hawaii. ISBN 0-527-38747-9
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

25th Annual Report, 1916
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; genealogical committee; list of members; illustrated.
Dickey, Lyle A. Stories of Wailua, Kauai.
Alexander, W. D. Overthrow of the Ancient Tabu System in the Hawaiian Islands.
Carter, George R. More of John Young.
Henriques, Edgar. John Young, the Englishman.
Henriques, Lucy K. Death of Kekaulike, King of Maui.
Cartwright, Bruce, Jr. Some Early Foreign Residents of the Hawaiian Islands.
ISBN 0-527-38748-7
Out of print

26th Annual Report, 1917
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; genealogical committee; list of members; illustrated.
Emerson, J. S. Selections from a Kahuna’s Book of Prayers.
Thrum, Thomas G. Brief Sketch of the Life and Labors of S. M. Kamakau, Hawaiian Historian.
Henriques, Edgar. Notes Regarding Kamehameha I.
ISBN 0-527-38749-5
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

27th Annual Report, 1918
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Dole, Sanford B. The ‘General Meeting.’
Ashford, Clarence W. Last Days of the Hawaiian Monarchy.
Emerson, J. S. Legends and Cradle Song. A Song of the Hawaiian God Kane.
ISBN 0-527-38750-9
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

28th Annual Report, 1919
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; genealogical committee; list of members; illustrated.
Emerson, J. S. Report of the President [John S. Emerson: Mission Centennial]
Restarick, Henry B. The Pilgrims of 1820.
Castle, W. R. Centennial Reminiscences.
Dole, Sanford B. The Hawiian Body Politic.
Thrum, Thomas G. (comp). Centennial Chronology of the Hawaiian Mission.
ISBN 0-527-38751-7
Out of print

29th Annual Report, 1920
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Emerson, J. S. Report of the President. [Hawaiian language]
Emerson, Oliver P. The Bad Boy of Lahaina, The Goblin Killer of Lanai.
Dole, Sanford B. The Old Fish Market.
Lydgate, J. M. The Winning of the Mu-Ai-Maia Maiden.
ISBN 0-527-38752-5
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

30th Annual Report, 1921
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Cooke, A. Frank. Extracts from Journal of Amos Starr Cooke 1842–1845. Documents.
Westervelt, W. D. Kamehameha’s Method of Government.
ISBN 0-527-38753-3
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

31st Annual Report, 1922
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; H.H.S. publications (from 1912); list of members; illustrated.
Cartwright, Bruce, Jr. The First Discovery of Honolulu Harbor.
Westervelt, W. D. The Passing of Kamehameha I.
Ballou, Howard Malcolm. The Identity of the Oregon Mission Press.
Phillips, Stephen W. Two Early Paintings of Honolulu: by Richard B. Beechy.
ISBN 0-527-38754-1
Out of print

32nd Annual Report, 1923
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Thrum, Thomas G. Heiaus (Temples) of Hawaii Nei.
Kuykendall, Ralph S. An Hawaiian in Mexico in 1789–1790.
Carter, George R. (ed.). A New Document of John Young.
Restarick, Henry B. The First Clergyman Resident in Hawaii.
Phillips, Stephen W. An Early Painting of Honolulu.
ISBN 0-527-38755-X
Out of print

33rd Annual Report, 1924
Minutes; annual reports; H.H.S. By-laws; list of members; illustrated.
Phillips, Stephen W. Medals Commemorative of Captain James Cook.
Blue, George Verne. Early Relations Between Hawaii and the Northwest Coast.
Westervelt, W. D. A Word About Idaho.
ISBN 0-527-38756-8
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

34th Annual Report, 1925
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
King, Samuel Wolder. Hawaiians as Navigators and Seamen.
Henriques, Edgar. Hawaiian Canoes.
Clarke, Adna G. [Jane Comstock]. Hebrew and Hawaiian Poetry.
Howay, F. W. Captain Simon Metcalfe and the Brig ‘Eleanora.’
Phillips, Stephen W. Oil Paintings of Kamehameha I at the Boston Atheneum, Boston.
ISBN 0-527-38757-6
Out of print

35th Annual Report, 1926
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Obituary of Sanford Ballard Dole.
Tennent, Hugh C. Samoa: Old and New.
McClellan, Edwin North. John M. Gamble.
Thrum, Thomas G. The Pachumu of Heiaus Non-Sacred.
Wilson, William F., and W. A. Wall. The Place of Captain Cook’s Death.
Phillips, Stephen W. The Death of Captain Cook: Contemporary Illustrations of this Incident.
Gilbert, George. Captain Cook’s First Visit to the Hawaiian Islands.
ISBN 0-527-38758-4
Out of print

36th Annual Report, 1927
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; illustrated.
Burbank, Mary A. Story of the Honolulu Library and Reading Room Association.
Lydgate, John M. The Defeat of Kamehameha, 1796.
Gregory, Herbert E. The Geography of the Pacific Area.
Restarick, Henry B., and Edgar Henriques. Report of Committee on Historic Sites.
Restarick, Henry B., and Albert Pierce Taylor. 150th Anniversary of the Discovery of Hawaii by Captain Cook.
ISBN 0-527-38759-2
Out of print

37th Annual Report, 1928
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Kuykendall, R. S. Some Early Commercial Adventurers of Hawaii.
Taylor, Albert Pierce. Lahaina: The Versailles of Old Hawaii.
Allen, Riley H. Hawaii’s Pioneers in Journalism.
ISBN 0-527-38760-6
Out of print

38th Annual Report, 1929
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; H.H.S. By-laws; list of members.
Taylor, Albert P. Historical Notes; Addenda.
Barry, J. Neilson. An Interesting Hawaiian in Old Oregon.
Spaulding, Thomas Marshall. Early Years of the Hawaiian Legislature.
Howay, F. W. The Ship Margaret: Her History and Historian.
Kennedy, Keith. Polynesian Wind Instruments in the Bernice P. Bishop Museum.
Cartwright, Bruce, Jr. Note on Hawaiian Genealogies.
Thrum, Thomas G. Additions to Riley H. Allen’s ‘Pioneers in Journalism,’ in H.H.S. Report, 1929.
ISBN 0-527-38761-4
Out of print

39th Annual Report, 1930
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Obituary: Albert Pierce Taylor.
Obituary: Judge Christopher B. Hofgaard.
Bradley, Harold W. Thomas ap Catesby Jones and the Hawaiian Islands, 1826–1827.
King, Josephine W. Reminiscences of Hanalei, Kauai.
Kuykendall, R. S. American Interests and American Influence in Hawaii in 1842.
Stokes, John F. G. Origin of the Condemnation of Captain Cook in Hawaii.
ISBN 0-527-38762-2
Out of print

40th Annual Report, 1931
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Judd, Bernice. Early Days of Waimea, Hawaii.
Hobbs, Jean. The Land Title in Hawaii.
Kuykendall, R. S. Historical Notes.
ISBN 0-527-38763-0
Out of print

41st Annual Report, 1932
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Bryan, E. H., Jr. The Contributions of Thomas G. Thrum to Hawaiian History and Ethnology.
Stokes, J.F.G. New Bases for Hawaiian Chronology.
Jones, Maude. Naturalization of Orientals in Hawaii Prior to 1900.
Howay, F. W. The Last Days of the Atahualpa, alias Bering.
Kuykendall, R. S. The Schooner ‘Missionary Packet.’
Kuykendall, R. S. Historical Notes.
ISBN 0-527-38764-9
Out of print

42nd Annual Report, 1933
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Morris, Penrose Clibborn. How the Territory of Hawaii Grew and What Domain It Covers.
Stokes, John F. G. Honolulu and Some New Speculative Phases of Hawaiian History.
Howay, F. W. The Ship Eliza at Hawaii in 1799.
ISBN 0-527-38765-7
Out of print

43rd Annual Report, 1934
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Rowland, Donald W. The Estabishment of the Republic of Hawaii, 1893–1894. [Abstract]
Kuykendall, R. S. The Earliest Japanese Labor Immigration to Hawaii. [Abstract]
Stokes, John F. G. Kaoleioku: Paternity and Biographical Sketch.
ISBN 0-527-38766-5
Out of print

44th Annual Report, 1935
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Resolutions and Report by the Trustees of the H.H.S. concerning the Birth Date of Kamehameha I and the Kamehameha Day Celebrations.
Judd, Albert Francis. Lunalilo, the Sixth King of Hawaii. Documents.
Makemson, Maud W. The Legend of Kokoiki and the Birthday of Kamehameha I.
Judd, Bernice. Koloa: A Sketch of Its Development.
ISBN 0-527-38767-3
Out of print

45th Annual Report, 1936
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Luquiens, Huc-M. Kamehameha’s Portrait.
Howay, F. W. The ‘Caroline’ and the ‘Hancock’ at Hawaii in 1799.
Stokes, John F. G. Dune Sepulture, Battle Mortality, and Kamehameha’s Alleged Defeat on Kauai.
Burrows, Edwin G. George Manini in Uvea (Wallis Island).
Judd, Henry P. Great Britain and France in the Society Islands.
ISBN 0-527-38768-1
Out of print

46th Annual Report, 1937
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Frear, Mary Dillingham. A Brief Record of Kaumakapili Church.
Howay, F. W. The Ship Pearl in Hawaii in 1805 and 1806.
Jones, Maude. The Fort at Kailua, Hawaii.
ISBN 0-527-38769-X
Out of print

47th Annual Report, 1938
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Stokes, John F. G. Nationality of John Young, a Chief of Hawaii.
Howay, F. W. Captain Henry Barber of Barber’s Point.
Wilson, William F. (ed.). Professor John Henry Anderson ‘The Wizard of the North’ at Honolulu in 1859. Document.
ISBN 0-527-38770-3
Out of print

48th Annual Report, 1939
Table of contents; suggestions for authors; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Billam-Walker, Donald. Money of Hawaii: Including a Preliminary Check List of Hawaiian Currency, Coins, Patterns, Scrip and Tokens.
Lomax, Alfred L. Geographic Factors in Early Sheep Husbandry in the Hawaiian Islands (1791–1870).
Houston, Victor S. K. (trans.). Chamisso in Hawaii.
ISBN 0-527-38771-1
Out of print

49th Annual Report, 1940
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; program of annual meeting (Punahou Centennial); list of members; suggestions for authors; illustrated.
Damon, Ethel M. From Manoa to Punahou.
Kuykendall, R. S. (ed.). Charles R. Bishop, ‘An Inside View of the Reign of Lunalilo.’ Documents.
Titcomb, Margaret (ed.). Three Letters of William Churchill: in Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Documents.
Coulter, John Wesley. The Journal of Nelson Haley, a Whaler.
ISBN 0-527-38772-X
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

50th Annual Report, 1941
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports. [War]
ISBN 0-527-38773-8

51st Annual Report, 1942
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Kuykendall, R. S. (ed.). Negotiation of the Hawaiian Annexation Treaty of 1893. Documents.
Judd, Bernice. (ed.). William Richards’ Report to the Sandwich Islands Mission on His First Year in Government Service, 1838–1839. Document.
ISBN 0-527-38774-6
Out of print

52nd Annual Report, 1943
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; preparation of manuscripts.
Judd, Bernice. (ed.). Reverend L. H. Gulick, M.D., ‘Lectures on Micronesia.’
Pukui, Mary Kawena. Ke Awa Lau O Pu‘uloa (The Many-Harbored Sea of Pu‘uloa).
ISBN 0-527-38775-4
Out of print

53rd Annual Report, 1944
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; list of H.H.S. publications; illustrated.
Kemble, John Haskell. Pioneer Hawaiian Steamers, 1852–1877.
Larsen, Nils P. Medical Art in Ancient Hawaii.
Gast, Ross H. New Light on the Re-Discovery of the Bonin Islands.
ISBN 0-527-38776-2
Out of print
Download from

54th Annual Report, 1945
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Morse, Marion. Judge Alfred Stedman Hartwell [1835–1912]
Hartwell, A. S. Forty Years of Hawaii Nei.
Anthony, J. Garner. William Little Lee (1821–1857).
ISBN 0-527-38777-0
Out of print

55th Annual Report, 1946
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Damon, Ethel M. (ed.). George Prince Kaumualii.
Judd, Bernice (ed.). Native Hawaiians in London, 1820.
Steegmuller, Francis. Why Did Jarvis Choose Hawaii?
ISBN 0-527-38778-9
Out of print

56th Annual Report, 1947
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Judd, Bernice. Hezekiah Aea.
Aea, H. The History of Ebon. (Translated by Mary K. Pukui)
Walter Francis Frear 1863–1948. (Obituary)
ISBN 0-527-38779-7
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

57th Annual Report, 1948
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Jones, Maude. Annexation of Hawaii.
Bryan, E. H., Jr. Report of the Committee for the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Annexation of Hawaii to the United States. August 12, 1948.
ISBN 0-527-38780-0
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

58th Annual Report, 1949
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Conroy, F. Hilary. ‘Asiatic Federation’ and the Japanese Immigration to Hawaii.
Dutton, Meiric K. Preface to the Book of Common Prayer, composed by Kamehameha IV.
ISBN 0-527-38781-9
Out of print

59th Annual Report, 1950
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Hunter, Charles H. Statehood and the Hawaiian Annexation Treaty of 1893.
Hoyt, Helen P. Captain Robert Barnacle (Pseud. of Charles Martin Newell) Whaleman, Author, Doctor of Medicine.
Historical Notes.
ISBN 0-527-38782-7
$10.00/$9.00 to HHS members

60th Annual Report, 1951
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Sixty Years of the Hawaiian Historical Society.
Larsen, Nils P. Rededication of the Healing Heiau Keaiwa.
Hawaii’s First ‘Ship’s Mail’ from the Missionaries. Documents.
Historical Notes.
ISBN 0-527-38783-5
Out of print

61st Annual Report, 1952
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Muir, Andrew Forest. William Hoapili Kaauwai: A Hawaiian in Holy Orders.
Dutton, Meiric K. Courthouse Marks Its Centennial.
Charlot, Jean. Choris and Kamehameha.
Char, Tin-Yuke. Immigrant Chinese Societies in Hawaii.
Knudsen, Eric A. The Night at Mahaulepu.
Historical Notes.
ISBN 0-527-38784-3
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

62nd Annual Report, 1953
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Elbert, Samuel H. The Hawaiian Dictionaries, Past and Future.
Luomala, Katharine. A Gilbertese Tradition of a Religious Massacre.
ISBN 0-527-38785-1
$10.00/$9.00 to HHS members

63rd Annual Report, 1954
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Hoyt, Helen P. Hawaii’s First English Newspaper and Its Editor.
King, William H. D. Arctic Whaling Fleet Disaster.
Tribute to Maude Jones.
ISBN 0-527-38786-X
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

64th Annual Report, 1955
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Smith, Emerson, C. The History of Musical Development in Hawaii.
Hunter, Charles H. (ed.). Hawaiian Politics—1900: Documents.
Aspinwall, Dorothy Brown (trans.). L. A. Jore, ‘Captain Jules Dudoit, the First French Consul in the Hawaiian Islands, 1837–1867, and his Brig Schooner, the Clementine.’
ISBN 0-527-38787-8
Out of print

65th Annual Report, 1956
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Korn, Alfons L. Queen Emma in France, 1865–1866.
Chamberlain, Levi. Tour Around Oahu, 1828.
ISBN 0-527-38788-6
$20.00/$18.00 to HHS members

66th Annual Report, 1957
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Johnson, Donald D. Powers in the Pacific: Tahiti and Hawaii, 1825–1850.
Hunter, Charles H. (ed.). The Turrill Collection, 1845–1860. Documents.
ISBN 0-527-38789-4
Out of print

67th Annual Report, 1958
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Adler, Jacob. Claus Spreckels’ Rise and Fall in Hawaii with Emphasis on London Loan of 1886.
ISBN 0-527-38790-8
Out of print

68th Annual Report, 1959
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Gould, James Warren. The Filibuster of Walter Murray Gibson [in S.E. Asia].
Andrade, Ernest, Jr. The Madras Affair.
ISBN 0-527-38791-6
Out of print

69th Annual Report, 1960
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Hoyt, Helen P. Theatre in Hawaii—1778–1840.
Daws, Alan Gavan. Evangelism in Hawaii: Titus Coan and the Great Revival of 1837.
ISBN 0-527-38792-4
$10.00/$9.00 to HHS members

70th Annual Report, 1961
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Tate, Merze. Sandwich Island Missionaries: The First American Point Four Agents.
Knowlton, Edgar C., Jr. Portuguese Language Resources for Hawaiian History.
ISBN 0-527-38793-2
$10.00/$9.00 to HHS members

71st Annual Report, 1962
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members.
Loomis, Albertine. The Longest Legislature. [1892]
Davis, Eleanor H. The Norse Migration: Norwegian Labor in Hawaii.
ISBN 0-527-38794-0
$10.00/$9.00 to HHS members

72nd Annual Report, 1963
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members and subscribers; illustrated.
Peterson, Charles E. Pioneer Architects and Builders in Honolulu.
In Memoriam—Ralph Simpson Kuykendall.
ISBN 0-527-38795-9
$10.00/$9.00 to HHS members

73rd Annual Report, 1964
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Adler, Jacob. The Hawaiian Navy under King Kalakaua.
Korn, Alfons. Peter Ka‘eo’s Wreath: A Ballad Performed.
ISBN 0-527-38796-7
$10.00/$9.00 to HHS members

74th Annual Report, 1965
Table of contents; minutes; annual reports; list of members; illustrated.
Kenn, Charles (trans.). Rev. Lowell Smith, ‘A Visit to California Gold Fields.’ [1849] (1858–1859)
Schmitt, Robert C. From Umi to Univac: Data Processing in Hawaii, 1500–1965.
ISBN 0-527-38797-5
$10.00/$9.00 to HHS members

Annual Reports Nos. 75–, 1966–
Annual reports; Society activities; list of members
$1.50 each